Blood on snow by Jo Nesbo - A review

'Blood on snow' by Jo Nesbo is the first of two books connected by the secondary character called 'The fisherman'.

In this, the first, our protagonist is the dyslexic hitman Olav, and I have to say Olav's unique personality and charm really elevates this book.

The use of a first person perspective really enhances the reading experience as we come to understand why and how Olav became a hitman, and we fall in love with (his sometime self-depricating) humour. 

It is thanks to this character and Nesbo's clear mastery of the the craft of writing that 'Blood on snow' is such an easy and enjoyable read.  That however, isn't to say that it isn't without it's issues.

While the characters are well drawn out and the violence is plentiful, the plot itself isn't anything to particularly write home about. Dare I say it's a bit superficial to(with the plot having some nice bits in), existing to support the characters rather than driving them. 

Nevertheless, the fact this is Nesbo writing and he has a fantastic way with words and descriptions more than makes up for it. Not to mention, I can't stress how enjoyable spending time with Olav is. A true hitman with a heart. Nearly. 

Plus, with it being a quick read you'll be able to work your way through this and follow up with the sequel, 'Midnight Sun', which I remember as being a little shorter and as much if not more enjoyable. It's also due to be made into a film with a new name and starring the fantastic Alessandro Borghi.

Final note, if you did enjoy this also check out 'Breaker' by Rob Aspinall.


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