Poliziotturner Press.

Publishing European focused crime fiction, noir and thrillers

Submission call - Years of Lead anthology

Years of lead series (Anthology 1).

The ‘Years of lead, words of violence’ anthology looks to bring the turmoil, drama and brutality of the period from the streets (and the bars and the offices for those clandestine meetings) and on to the page.

What were the ‘years of lead’?

Known in Italy as the ‘Anni di piombo’, this period covered roughly 1968-1980 and saw domestic terrorism, increased violence, and political turmoil which not only engulfed the nation but formed a wider part of the cold war, as the democratic and free-market Christian Democrats (arguably propped up by organised crime) battled against socialist and communist sensibilities.

The result being American interference and an incorporated strategy of tension, where violent struggle was encouraged and then used to justify the requirement of a more oppressive and conservative government.

Beyond this, however, during this period, the Italians also gave us a great visual blueprint and representation (albeit exaggerated in some cases, and underplayed in others) such as the poliziottesco (highlights being Violent Naples; Milan Calibre 9; Live Like A Cop…Die Like A Man), the giallo (highlights being Deep Red; The Black Belly of the Tarantula; Torso) and a whole range of crime thrillers and dramas (highlights include An investigation of a citizen above suspicion; No. The case is happily resolved).

In terms of printed fiction, that style and story is up to you. While Scerbanenco paints a fantastic picture of a changing Milan and De Cataldo & Bonini of a shady Rome, you should use your own influences and passions to craft something that represents you as well as the period.

Why Italy and why this topic?

I am a big fan of Italian culture and (crime) literature that is based there. So much so, that I want to get more of it circulated around the English-speaking world to show that there are more than just Andrea Camilleri and (Mario Puzzo’s) The Godfather.

Now, why the ‘Years of Lead’, well it is a fascinating (and lengthy) period of modern history that I encompasses a whole range or topics worthy of discussion, and that in some cases still echo in today’s world.

With this anthology, I hope to achieve several things.

The first is to help get more authors and gritty Italian focused stories out there. The second is to provide a unique product that entertains fans and helps to add wider context to the world in which many of our favourite films were born from.

Will it sell a lot? In a world where translations of the Carlotto, Lucarelli and Scerbanenco don’t get repressed or even published in specific cases, then I doubt it. However, I hope it will add a few new names to your reading list and scratch that sweet spot that many of us share.

What am I looking for?

So, there is a pretty broad spectrum of what type of story you can submit. From black gloved killers, vigilante citizens and maverick cops to personal dramas, shady business dealings, and political thrillers. 

The only requirements are:

  • The story contains some form of transgression.

  • The story is set in Italy during the years of lead (ideally 1968 - 1982 but there is some flexibility for stories that are related to this period, either by covering actions that occur before that contribute to the social upheaval or drama that occurs afterwards and covers its lasting impact). 

  • Has a maximum word count of 9,999 words. If your story is above this limit then please email me to discuss as it will still be considered.

  • Is not speculative fiction or poetry.

  • Is not written by AI.

  • Must be written in English or Italian (if Italian, it will be translated).

  • Ideally it is unpublished in English. Please contact us first if you have a previously published story that you would like to submit and that you own the rights to the story.

Please note that simultaneous submissions are not accepted, and that you may submit more than one piece for the anthology.

When is the deadline?

The deadline for submission is Midnight UK time on FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2024. This is an extension from the previously advertised date of Wednesday 31 July 2024.

What format do I need to put it in?

  • Please provide in .doc or .docx format. Any other format will be deleted unread.

  • Please use 1 inch (2.5cm) margins, Aerial or Times New Roman font at 12 point size, double-spaced lines.

What about the rights and payment?

  • Poliziotturner Press acquires First World English Rights, with a period of exclusivity of one year after publication.

  • Payment will be £35 per accepted short story (defined as 3,500 words or more) and £10 per accepted shorter story (defined as under 3,499 words). This will be paid by PayPal after signature of contract. Two physical contributor copies and one digital copy (PDF) will also be provided for short story contributors and one physical contributor copy for flash fiction contributors. This number is not an aggregate (so if you contribute a short story and a piece of flash fiction you will only receive two physical copies).

How do I submit?

Send all submissions to marekzturner@hotmail.com with the following subject format: Submission - Years of Lead anthology - <Title of Submission> - <Submitter's Name>.

In the body of your email, include a cover letter with your story's title and word-count, your contact information, a brief bio of no more than one hundred words (one or two sentences) written in the third person, and social media links.

As Aristotle is quoted as saying, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it," but we will not be a mouthpiece for personal bigotry.

While thought-provoking and challenging views delivered as part of a character and story will be accepted, considering the time period and actors involved in real-life events this is possible, these must be employed in a tactful manner. I will not tolerate any hate-speech, whether homophobia, racism, etc. in the authorial voice.

Please note that the deadline may be extended or the project cancelled if not enough suitable submissions are received.


The Eighth Hill (2023).

In the dark and gritty streets of 1980's Rome, corruption and murder weave a tangled web, ensnaring former cop Amedeo De Rossi in a relentless pursuit of justice.

Haunted by his own demons, De Rossi teams up with journalist Lucia Vitale to uncover a seedy underworld of sex-trafficking and deceit. A world in which his old friend, Inspector Borromeo, a cop with superiors to answer to and his own career to consider, casts a looming presence.

Delving deeper into the heart of darkness, De Rossi soon finds that the truth is more sinister than he could have imagined, and that allies can become enemies in the blink of an eye.

As the body count rises and the city's secrets unravel, De Rossi's world unravels with it. In a race against time, he must confront the darkness within himself and make a choice that could shatter everything he holds dear.